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Swiss Flag, Capital, Cantons, Area, Federal Constitution

Brief Info

Federal state: Swiss Confederation (English), Schweizerische Eidgenossenschaft (German), Confédération Suisse (French), Confederatione Svizzera (Italian), Confederaziun Svizra (Romansch).

Flag: The flag of Switzerland is red with a white cross in the center, a white cross within the red field. The four arms of the cross should be of equal size. The last final version of the flag was adopted on December 12, 1889.

Capital: Bern

Cantons (26): Aargau (AG), Appenzell (AR), Appenzell (AI), Baselland (BL), Basel Stadt (BS), Bern (BE), Fribourg/Freiburg (FR), Geneva (GE), Glarus (GL), Graubunden (GR), Jura (JU), Lucerne (LU), Neuchatel (NE), Nidwald (NW), Obwald (OW), St. Gallen (SG), Schaffhausen (SH), Schwyz (SZ), Solothurn (SO), Thurgau (TG), Tichino (TI), Uri (UR), Valais/Wallis (VS), Vaud (VD), Zug (ZG), Zurich (ZH).

Area: 41 200 km²

Inhabitant: 8 364 100

Per Capita GDP: 78 179 $/habitant

Federal constitution: 1848 (revisions 1874 and 1999) / Parliamentary Federal State, Direct democracy

National holiday: 1st August

Swiss brief info